Doctors VIP number
For the convenience of our doctors and medical professionals please see below our Doctors VIP phone number.
Please call 02 8881 3800.
PLEASE NOTE: To maintain the integrity of this number this is reserved for referrers and medical professionals only.
For patients please refer to our locations page, contact our friendly staff via our webchat or email bookings@synrad.com.au
Best Practice Electronic Referral Delivery
We are excited to announce that we have now partnered with Best Practice to offer electronic referral delivery.
E-referrals will allow you to send referrals straight from your Best Practice software to our practice. There will be no need to switch programs or fax – all of this can be done with one click. Our friendly staff will contact your patient to book their appointment and advise them of any preparation. This process is designed to streamline your patient’s care, booking your patients in faster and returning your patients results to you quicker.
You can be rest assured that all patient referral information is sent through Healthlink which is completely secure thanks to the use of the HL7 messaging system.
Contact us at results@synrad.com.au to organise an appointment for us to come in and set the software up for you. The installation will only take around half an hour and once completed, you will be on your way to quicker referrals and a better patient experience!
Blank PDF Referral for download
Re-Order Referral Forms
Welcome, please access the CTCA portal
Medicare Indications
Medicare has strict criteria for payment of benefits for the following examinations based on the clinical indications.
Physiotherapists and Chiropractors
Physiotherapists and Chiropractors may request diagnostic imaging, however only certain items are entitled to a Medicare rebate:
Spinal x-ray Three region (58121, 58127)
The requesting rights for these items will be restricted to medical practitioners, physiotherapists and
osteopaths. Chiropractors will no longer be able to request these items.
Under the recommendations only requesting rights are to be amended. In all other regards the
items, including fees, remain unchanged.
Spinal x-ray Four region (58120, 58126)
The requesting rights for these items will be restricted to medical practitioners, physiotherapists and
osteopaths. Chiropractors will no longer be able to request these items.
Under the recommendations only requesting rights are to be amended. In all other regards the
items, including fees, remain unchanged.
Spinal x-ray One region (58100, 58102, 58103, 58105, 58106, 58109, 58111, 58117)
These items will be amended to restrict allied health practitioners from requesting more than one of
these items for the same patient on the same day.
Only requesting rights are to be amended. In all other regards the items, including medical
practitioner access and MBS recommended fees, remain unchanged.
Spinal x-ray Two region (58112, 58123)
These items will be amended to restrict allied health practitioners from requesting more than one of
these items for the same patient on the same day.
Only requesting rights are to be amended. In all other regards the items, including medical
practitioner access and MBS recommended fees, remain unchanged.
Shoulder Ultrasound
Medicare will only provide a rebate if the referral specifically includes one of the following suspected pathologies. Benefits are payable when referred with suspicion of the following clinical conditions:
- evaluation of injury to tendon, muscle or tendon/muscle junction including tears, calcification or tendinosis
- rotator cuff tear/calcification/tendinosis of biceps, subscapular, supraspinatus or infraspinatus
- biceps subluxation
- capsulitis and bursitis
- evaluation of mass, including ganglion
- occult fracture
- acromioclavicular joint pathology.
Knee Ultrasound
Medicare will only provide a rebate if the referral specifically includes one of the following suspected pathologies. Benefits are payable when referred with suspicion of the following clinical conditions:
- abnormality of tendons or bursae about the knee
- meniscal cyst, popliteal fossa cyst, mass or pseudomass
- nerve entrapment, nerve or nerve sheath tumour.
Benefits are not payable when referred for non-specific knee pain alone or other knee conditions including:
- meniscal and cruciate ligament tears
- assessment of chondral surfaces.
Digital Mammography
59300, 59303
Requesting doctors must include relevant clinical indications / history for all mammography procedures, otherwise patients are not eligible for a Medicare rebate.
For patients to be eligible for a Medicare rebate, you must include your reasons to suspect malignancy in the breasts because of:
- the past occurrence of breast malignancy in the patient;
- significant history of breast or ovarian malignancy in the patient’s family;
- symptoms or indications of breast disease found on examination of the patient by a medical practitioner
3D Tomosynthesis Mammography
59302, 59305
Three dimensional tomosynthesis of both breasts, not being a service associated with item 59300 or 59301,
For patients to be eligible for a Medicare rebate, you must include your reasons to suspect malignancy in the breasts because of:
- the past occurrence of breast malignancy in the patient;
- significant history of breast or ovarian malignancy in the patient’s family;
- symptoms or indications of breast disease found on examination of the patient by a medical practitioner
Bone Mineral Densitometry
Bone densitometry, using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, involving the measurement of 2 or
more sites (including interpretation and reporting), for:
(a) confirmation of a presumptive diagnosis of low bone mineral density made on the basis of one or
more fractures occurring after minimal trauma; or
(b) monitoring of low bone mineral density proven by bone densitometry at least 12 months
other than a service associated with a service to which item 12312, 12315 or 12321 applies
For any particular patient, once only in a 24 month period
Bone densitometry, using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, involving the measurement of 2 or
more sites (including interpretation and reporting) for diagnosis and monitoring of bone loss
associated with one or more of the following:
(a) prolonged glucocorticoid therapy; ( ‘Prolonged glucocorticoid therapy’ is defined as the
commencement of a dosage of inhaled glucocorticoid equivalent to or greater than 800 micrograms
beclomethasone dipropionate or budesonide per day; or 2540)
(b) any condition associated with excess glucocorticoid secretion; (a supraphysiological
glucocorticoid dosage equivalent to or greater than 7.5 mg prednisolone in an adult taken orally per
day; for a period anticipated to last for at least 4 months. Glucocorticoid therapy must be
contemporaneous with the current scan. Patients no longer on steroids would not qualify for
(c) male hypogonadism; (Male hypogonadism is defined as serum testosterone levels below the age
matched normal range).
(d) female hypogonadism lasting more than 6 months before the age of 45; (Female hypogonadism
is defined as serum oestrogen levels below the age matched normal range).
other than a service associated with a service to which item 12306, 12315 or 12321 applies
For any particular patient, once only in a 12 month period
Bone densitometry, using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, involving the measurement of 2 or
more sites (including interpretation and reporting) for diagnosis and monitoring of bone loss
associated with one or more of the following conditions:
(a) primary hyperparathyroidism;
(b) chronic liver disease;
(c) chronic renal disease;
(d) any proven malabsorptive disorder; (A malabsorptive disorder is defined as one or more of the
(1) malabsorption of fat, defined as faecal fat estimated at greater than 18 gm per 72 hours on a
normal fat diet; or
(2) bowel disease with presumptive vitamin D malabsorption as indicated by a sub-normal
circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D level; or
(3) histologically proven Coeliac disease).
(e) rheumatoid arthritis;
(f) any condition associated with thyroxine excess;
other than a service associated with a service to which item 12306, 12312 or 12321 applies
For any particular patient, once only in a 24 month period
Bone densitometry, using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry or quantitative computed tomography,
involving the measurement of 2 or more sites (including interpretation and reporting) for
measurement of bone mineral density, if:
(a) the patient is 70 years of age or over; and
(b) either:
(i) the patient has not previously had bone densitometry; or
(ii) the t-score for the patient’s bone mineral density is -1.5 or more;
other than a service associated with a service to which item 12306, 12312, 12315, 12321 or 12322
For any particular patient, once only in a 5 year period
Bone densitometry, using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, involving the measurement of 2 or
more sites at least 12 months after a significant change in therapy (including interpretation and
reporting), for:
(a) established low bone mineral density; or
(b) confirming a presumptive diagnosis of low bone mineral density made on the basis of one or
more fractures occurring after minimal trauma;
other than a service associated with a service to which item 12306, 12312 or 12315 applies
For any particular patient, once only in a 12 month period
Bone densitometry, using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry or quantitative computed tomography,
involving the measurement of 2 or more sites (including interpretation and reporting) for
measurement of bone mineral density, if:
(a) the patient is 70 years of age or over; and
(b) the t-score for the patient’s bone mineral density is less than -1.5 but more than -2.5;
other than a service associated with a service to which item 12306, 12312, 12315, 12320 or 12321
For any particular patient, once only in a 2 year period
Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Specific Conditions
Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Specific Conditions – Adults (aged 16 years or older) |
Item Number | Region | Conditions |
63551 | Head/Brain | Referral by a medical practitioner (excluding a specialist or consultant physician) for a scan of head for any of the following:
63554 | Cervical Spine | Referral by a medical practitioner (excluding a specialist or consultant physician) for a scan of spine for suspected:
63557 | Cervical Spine | Referral by a medical practitioner (excluding a specialist or consultant physician) for a scan of the spine for suspected:
63560 | Knee (16 to 49 years old only) | Referral by a medical practitioner (excluding a specialist or consultant physician) for a scan of the knee following acute knee trauma with:
https://synrad.com.au/important-medicare-changes-to-mri-knees-over-50s/ |
Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Specific Conditions – Paediatrics (aged under 16 years) |
Item Number | Region | Conditions |
63507 | Head/Brain | Referral by a medical practitioner (excluding a specialist or consultant physician) for a scan of head for any of the following:
63510 | Spine | Referral by a medical practitioner (excluding a specialist or consultant physician) for a scan of spine following radiographic examination for any or the following:
63513 | Knee | Referral by a medical practitioner (excluding a specialist or consultant physician) for a scan of knee for internal joint derangement. |
63516 | Hip | Referral by a medical practitioner (excluding a specialist or consultant physician) for a scan of hip following radiographic examination for any of the following:
63519 | Elbow | Referral by a medical practitioner (excluding a specialist or consultant physician) for a scan of elbow following radiographic examination where a significant fracture or avulsion injury is suspected that will change management. |
63522 | Wrist | Referral by a medical practitioner (excluding a specialist or consultant physician) for a scan of wrist following radiographic examination where scaphoid fracture is suspected. |
Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Specific Conditions – Abdo/Pelvis |
63740 | Abdo/Pelvis | Referral by a specialist
MRI – scan to evaluate small bowel Crohn’s disease if the service is provided to a patient for: (a) Evaluation of disease extent at time of initial diagnosis of Crohn’s disease; (b) Evaluation of exacerbation/suspected complications of known Crohn’s disease; (c) Evaluation of known or suspected Crohn’s disease in pregnancy; or (d) Assessment of change to therapy in a patient with small bowel Crohn’s disease. This item applies only once in a 12 month period where the service is provided for assessment of change to therapy in a patient with small bowel Crohn’s disease. |
63743 | Abdo/Pelvis | Referral by a specialist
MRI – scan for fistulising perianal Crohn’s disease if the service is provided to a patient for: (a) Evaluation of pelvic sepsis and fistulas associated with established or suspected Crohn’s disease; or (b) Assessment of change to therapy of pelvis sepsis and fistulas from Crohn’s disease. This item applies only once in a 12 month period where the service is provided for assessment of change to therapy of pelvis sepsis and fistulas from Crohn’s disease. |
For more information see the Medicare benefits schedule www.mbsonline.gov.au
CT Cardiac Angiography
For Requests made by a specialist or consultant physician;
MBS Item No 57360:
- Patient who has stable or acute symptoms consistent with coronary ischaemia and is at low to intermediate risk of an acute coronary event (Not applicable more than once in 5 years) or;
- Patient meets the criteria for selective coronary angiography under MBS Item No. 38244, 38247, 38248 or 38249.
CT Coronary angiography will be performed as an alternative assessment.
MBS Item No 57364:
At least one of the following apply to the patient:
- stable symptoms and newly recognised left ventricular systolic dysfunction of unknown aetiology;
- requires exclusion of coronary artery anomaly or fistula;
- will be undergoing non-coronary cardiac surgery;
- the patient meets the criteria to be eligible for a service to which item 38247, 38249 or 38252 applies, but as an alternative to selective coronary angiography will require an assessment of the patency of one or more bypass grafts.
See MBS Online Modernising Cardiac Surgical Services for more information.