
Synergy Radiology endeavours to provide users of its website with accurate and helpful information, but this website is not a substitute for health and medical advice from a qualified health professional. For questions regarding health or medical conditions, users of this website should always seek the advice of a qualified health professional.

The information on this website is regularly reviewed. However we cannot guarantee the accuracy, quality, reliability and suitability of the information on our website and/or third party websites.

Privacy Policy Summary


When you attend our practice it is important for us to gather and store some personal information as well as health related information. At Synergy Radiology, we are committed to protecting our patients’ privacy by ensuring we adhere to the 13 Australian Privacy Principles (APP’s). This includes only collecting, using or disclosing medical information as is necessary for health purposes, or with patients’ prior consent. We also aim to ensure that we resolve any privacy concerns as quickly as possible.

Below you will find a summary of our Privacy Policy that outlines how we comply with the APP’s. To view the Privacy Policy in its entirety, please click here


Synergy Radiolody collects and stores the following information about our patients:

  • Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Gender
  • Address
  • Contact details including phone number and email
  • Medical History
  • Results of any prior medical imaging and blood test either performed by Synergy Radiology or provided to us by the patient or referring GP
  • Billing information
  • Medicare details
  • Workers compensation, Third Party Insurance, Health Insurance details
  • Any other information provide to us by our patients at time of visit including details of any feedback, complaints, suggestion etc.

How do we collect Personal Information?

  • Face to face at time of procedure
  • Via phone at time of booking
  • Via details on referral provided by your GP, Specialist or referring Health Practitioner
  • Email / fax

How do we use the Information?

The information we collect is used to ensure that the best health service possible is provided to our patients. The use of medical records and examination history means our Radiologist can provide the most accurate reports possible to your referring physician and allows us the ability to provide comparison reports with previous studies. Storing of your medical Imaging examinations also ensure you do not have any unnecessary or duplicated tests.

We also use your information to deal with Medicare and Insurance Companies for billing and collection of outstanding debts.


Synergy Radiology has procedures in place that ensure your personal information is stored securely and protected from misuse, loss and unauthorised access. Some of the steps taken to ensure this include:

  • A secure electronic database of both your personal information (RIS – Radiology Information System) and images (PACS – Picture Archiving and Communication System) of any procedures performed by Synergy Radiology.
  • Dedicated back up / archive system of the RIS and PACS systems
  • Database only accessible by persons requiring access to the database for the purpose of their employment. Eg Medical Receptionist
  • Hard copy storage in secure onsite and offsite storage facilities
  • Hard Copy destruction using dedicated Third Party Secure Destruction Company.
  • Staff Training regarding use of patient personal information and Privacy policy
  • Regular review of policies and procedures.


Synergy Radiology will need to disclose information about you to external parties as part of your treatment. This includes the Diagnostic Imaging report that goes to your referring medical practitioner. Should you wish the report NOT to go back to your referring Medical Practitioner, please advise us at the time of examination and we will, in accordance with the privacy Act and the APP’s take all reasonable steps to comply with these wishes.

We may also need to disclose your information with other parties, which include:

  • Consultant Specialist that have been requested to provide further treatment / advise on your medical condition by your GP
  • Your representatives, such as guardian or authorised family member
  • Insurers such as Medicare, Workers Compensation Insurers, Transport Accident Insurers or Private Health funds
  • Where Synergy Radiology have been requested under legal summons to provide this information


Synergy Radiology may provide your report to your referring physician via a secure electronic system. The system is encrypted and requires certificates at the referrers end to allow them de-encrypt the report and download it into their patient management system.

We also provide online access to your images, via a secure website that requires secure login by users. Your referring physician may request access to your images via this method.

We will seek your approval should a third party such as a specialist request access to these images.

You can also choose to have your images sent to you via electronic method, which would mean no hard copy images will be printed. You may use these images as you wish, and may also choose who gains access to these images, by providing them with an email and an access key to the images online. Images are accessed via a secure online cloud.

On your first visit to our practice, your permission to use, send and disclose your records via these secure online / electronic methods will be sought. Information will only be sent to your referring physician or treating specialist. At any time, should you wish to withdraw this permission, you may contact the practice to revoke the permission.


The best way for you to obtain your medical imaging results is via your Referring Practitioner. They will have your complete history and be best placed to diagnose you based on the clinical information they have and the imaging information provided by us in the radiology report. The radiology report on its own, may not provide all the answers and may need to be interpreted and explained by your doctor.

You may request access to your information and Synergy Radiology will provide this information, except in certain circumstances where the request will be denied due to legal reasons as set out in the Privacy Act, including if the request is vexatious or if a criminal proceeding is under way.


Synergy Radiology takes all reasonable steps to ensure the information we hold is accurate and up to date. To assist in this process we recommend that you:

  • Advise us of any changes to your personal details, such as address or contact number
  • Advise of any errors in the information we have stored, such as Date of birth, address etc.


Should you feel that Synergy Radiology has misused your information or breached the APP’s, then you may make a complaint. Complaints should be lodged in writing to the Privacy Officer at the address below. We investigate the complaint and endeavour to respond as quickly as possible. A response will be made within 14 days. If you feel your complaint has not been dealt with correctly or you are unsatisfied with the response, you may lodge a complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC)

Synergy Radiology Privacy Officer

Peter Bonovas

14/6 Meridan Pl

Bella Vista, NSW, 2153

P – 88896320

E – pbonovas@synrad.com.au


Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC)

GPO Box 2999

Canberra, ACT, 2601

P: 1300363992

E: enquiries@oaic.gov.au

W: http://ww.oaic.gov.au/

OAIC Online Privacy Complaint form
